Innovative Thinking Innovative Environments

The Value
of an ECOterra
Custom Green Home
value: noun val·ue \ ˈval-(ˌ)yü\
a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
a quality that gives something special worth
the relative usefulness or importance of something as judged by specific qualities
the quality that renders something desirable or valuable
A measure of those qualities that determine merit, desirability, usefulness, or importance:

Most of the energy-saving features we incorporate into your home to save you energy costs will not be obvious, but they will continually and permanently offset your energy costs for the lifetime of your home.
Green does pay!

A great deal of experience, vision and insight is designed into every ECOterra home. How a house is placed on the building site for both the best energy-efficiency and the best views, foot traffic flow and the occupant’s lifestyle, both inside and outside the home, are just a fraction of our considerations in the process of designing and building your home. All of this is done with a focus on saving you money on your energy costs for the life of your home.
ECOterra homes are in the top percentile of energy-efficient homes in the U.S., statistically speaking. It initially costs a bit more* to build a custom home of this caliber, but homes with top-of-the-line energy-efficiency built into them like ECOterra’s, recoup their initial expense normally in less than 10 years. That is a savings of tens of thousands of dollars over 25 years. You can use the money you are saving by not having to pay annual energy costs to buy a new toy, take a trip to Italy or help defray the costs of a college education!

* Approximately +10-12%
Read more about ECOterra DESIGN-BUILD: